Helpful Links
At Southern Star, we regularly access these sites and find them useful, insightful and uplifting!
We hope that you do to.
Authentic Happiness
One of the most useful and practical sites you will come across. Dr Martin Seligman is recognised as the foremost professional in the world today in the field of Positive Psychology. Read his book - Learned Optimism, a powerful read that has direct application at work and home!
A Gift of Inspiration
Inspirational Stories and Great Motivational Aids - this site has been created by Keith Ready a very dedicated and inspired Australian.
Dr. Phillip E Humbert
A terrific site which is crammed full of useful goodies to help us in maintaining a positive approach to life. Subscribe to the email newsletter - it is a winner!
Brainy Quotes
Whether you are looking for a "power" quote that adds the final touch to a presentation or searching for a motivational saying to lift your mood - this site is for you! It has got the lot!
Recommended Reading
At Southern Star we read many books; for education, pleasure and to help others. From time to time we come across books that really stand out.
We feel they should be easy to read, be packed full of sensible and practical ideas that can be used on a daily basis. The books need to be well researched as well as providing some new thought and ideas in their topic areas. Below are just a few of the great ones!
The Power of Impossible Thinking
A companion site to the book " The Power of Impossible Thinking - Transform the Business of your Life and the Life of your Business ". This is a very well researched and constructed book that will challenge the way you think about life and your business! It is an enjoyable and stimulating read packed full of ideas to help transform thinking. It will help you to " make sense of how we make sense "! Educative and full of usable concepts. Yoram Wind and Colin Crook have written a very stimulating and thought provoking book!
Atlas Shrugged
The astounding story of a man who said he would stop the motor of the world - and he did. Tremendous in scope, breathtaking in its suspense, Atlas Shrugged is unlike any other book you have ever read. It is a mystery story, not about the murder of a man's body, but about the murder - and rebirth - of a man's spirit. The theme of Atlas Shrugged, written by Ayn Rand, is that independent, rational thought is the engine that powers the world. Her philosophy of Objectivism is said to have been the leadership foundation of some of the 20th century's influential leaders.
The Definitive Book of Body Language
How to read others' thoughts by their gestures, written by Allan and Barbara Pease, internationally renowned experts in human relations and body language. This is a great guide written in a down to earth style by Australians. The book isolates, examines and explains in simple terms, each component of body language. Regardless of your vocation or position in life, you will be able to use it to obtain a better understanding of life's most complex event - a face to face encounter with another person. Ideal for anyone in sales, negotiation or the management of others.
Critical Thinking
Everything you do in life is determined by the quality of your thinking! If you aren't thinking clearly you are at the mercy of everyone else. Unfortunately, many people never give a thought to how they think. The world becomes more complex daily. Thinking more effectively is a solution to increasing complexity. Improving your thinking gives you greater control over your life, helps you overcome adversity, and makes it easier to transform dreams into reality. This book is full of ideas and tools for taking charge of your professional and personal life. Excellently researched and written by Richard Paul and Linda Elder!
Learned Optimism
This book will show you how to stop automatically assuming guilt; how to get out of the habit of seeing the direst possible implications in every setback; how to be optimistic. Dr Seligman, a world renown expert in this field, will show you the effects of optimism on the quality of life, provide tests to determine the degree of our negative and positive orientation as well as offering a program of specific exercises to help break the habit of pessimism and learn the habit of optimism for both ourselves and those important to us. This book is for anyone that has suffered from a pessimistic or negative outlook on life. Excellent help!
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle has written a compelling book that has a message for all people who are troubled by incessant mind activity. It is "the guide" on how to become present and to avoid the living of your life in the past and/or the future. Simply Brilliant!