How We Work.
Our business is the facilitation of change and the improvement of Human Capital performance.
We are flexible; it is important to us that our clients needs and constraints come first. We will design programs, strategies and interventions that best suit the operational climate of each worksite. We have developed a number of highly successful programs that have gained a wide acceptance in numerous workplaces; these courses form the core of our professional development programs.
While the principles of development remain fairly static, we believe it is important to identify the specific needs and required outcomes particular to every situation. We have the skill, experience and capability to design and implement specialised learning initiatives tailored to individuals, teams and unique workplaces.
We will work by the hour, day, week and month. It all depends on the size and nature of the change project. Whatever is the best solution for our clients is the best solution for us!
Learning & Development.
We analyse, create and implement a range of Learning and Development intervention strategies. For many of our clients, we have provided detailed needs analysis, followed by the creation of specific professional development programs. All programs are aligned to organisational outcomes and lead to defined attitudinal and behavioural changes within that business.
We believe that quality behavioural change takes time. All of our programs reflect this belief and that's why we deliver our courses over a longer timeframe. Our change principal is based upon the "drip feed" of key concepts followed by the practice of these ideas in the workplace. It is this individual practice and the anchoring of the physical and mental actions that surround these practices that enables the beginning of behavioural change to occur.
The concept of Spaced Repetition is used to enact changes with every participant.
We are flexible in the delivery of our programs. While our preferred means of delivery is the facilitation of programs over time, many situations arise in the workplace that prevent the use of longitudinal programs. If this occurs, we provide short courses delivered at a time and place that best suits the working environment.
We will always advise the best strategy to deal with workplace constraints. Our goal is to optimise individual and group outcomes. Learning solutions range from one-day seminars, through to modulated programs that span several months.
Experienced facilitators, quality resources, workplace tools, coaching, mentoring, individual participant goals and regular feedback to all stakeholders are at the core of every program.
Our clients would say this approach is what delivers results for them.
Cultural Strategy.
Over the years, we have been involved in a number of major cultural change projects. We have the capability to research, analyse needs, develop tangible change outcomes, create and implement development strategies to achieve our client's organisational goals.
Business performance, profitability and sustainability is directly linked to the operational culture of an organisation. How an individual employee thinks and acts can have a positive or negative affect on a business. Every individual in an organisation has a way of "seeing the world" - some are aligned with company direction and others are not.
A functional workplace culture begins with clear business values and appropriate performance requirements. Next comes the alignment of employees to these operational needs. Some people adapt easily, others less so; this is particularly critical in a change environment. Changes may be brought about by downsizing, regulator constraints, marketplace shifts, financial impacts, mergers and acquisitions to name a few of the common drivers.
Whatever the stimuli, the need is generally the same - people integration, timely uptake of processes and practices while delivering on business goals.
Our skill sets assist organisations through cultural change and the shortening of the integration time required to meet business performance requirements.
We are expert at developing and implementing strategies that enable employee alignment to business direction.
Coaching for Change.
Coaching for change or performance improvement is a fundamental part of what we do. While our major development programs provide the mainstay of our behavioural change strategies; coaching on an individual basis can provide quality outcomes.
One on one work with key individuals is often more effective than group encounters. It enables targeted and specific discussion pertaining to issues that are important to the individual as well as the employer.
All coaching projects begin with an individual needs analysis followed by topic and resource selection. Psychometric tools are available for finer understanding of the key development areas. Suitable venues and times are discussed as well as the learning format that best suits the situation.
Effective coaching that delivers outcomes, usually takes time. Clients have found that one to two hour sessions on a regular basis produce results. The amount of sessions is determined by the outcomes required. Typically, four to eight meetings enables each participant to achieve their coaching goals.
Performance Systems.
Integral to individual and group performance are systems that support the growth of employees.
We have particular expertise in developing behavioral and values based performance management matrixes. All systems have a focus on identifying, describing and managing the key behaviours that define performance for that organisation. Simple metrics enable performance systems to be used by a wide staff base. Performance outcomes not meeting requirements are linked to learning and development strategies.
At the recruitment stage, we are able to provide assistance in the development of values and behavioural interviewing techniques. We are strong believers in psychometric testing to find the best possible candidate for each and every role. Our organisational psychologists have over thirty years of practical experience in diverse business sectors. Because we have no affiliation with major test house publishers we are able to survey the world market for the testing tool that best suits your particular need.
Human capital presents a range of business risks on a daily basis. A significant part of our consultancy practice involves the design and implementation of business surveys; engagement, retention, safety, cultural and customer based relations form the basis of our survey tools.
We have a specialty product designed to measure the Human Capital risk associated with mergers and acquisitions, focusing on the issues that surround people and business integration. We are considered leading edge experts in this field.