Winners get more stuff done!
In the long run, performance counts. In fact, only the things we actually DO really matter. The things we DO are how our lives are measured. Generally speaking, our intentions do not count. The road to failure is “paved with good intentions.” Even our values do not matter unless and until they are put into action.
In the end, only performance counts.
Genius and education do not count – we all know bright, highly educated people who have made a mess of things. Our plans and hopes do not count, and even our faith counts for very little in this world. I recall a critical comment about a well-intentioned but ineffective friend who was described as being “so heavenly minded she’s no earthly good.”
The key to success is knowing where to focus and how to get extraordinary RESULTS from our ordinary daily effort.
Sure, I also believe in genius and luck and good fortune, but the winners in life have all worked very hard. Whatever genius Einstein and Edison and Dickinson and Madam Currie brought to the game of life, they also WORKED very hard!
The key to unusual success is knowing what to work on and knowing where you have the opportunity to make a HUGE difference. The key is not just hard work – everyone works hard. The key is not ambition or desire – everyone has that.
The key is leverage, focus, patience, perseverance and persistence PLUS an element of genius (we all have that, as well) and effort. Archimedes said that with sufficient leverage he “could move the world”, and through his ideas, he did! There is no force on earth “as powerful as an idea whose time has come” and fortunately, we ALL have powerful ideas!
Here are some practical suggestions to maximize your results and create the life you truly want:
1. Clarity of purpose. Whatever it takes, know your values and your priorities. Read. Keep a journal. Get and stay organized. Life is short – know where you are going and what you want to accomplish!
2. Eliminate the trivial. We are all tempted to do a thousand small tasks every day. Peak performers are good at resisting temptation. They pay whatever price is required to avoid distractions and stay focused on their key objectives. Never “major in minor things!”
3. Learn from experts. Invest in education and get a mentor and do what successful people do. As Tony Robbins says, “Success leaves clues,” and if you do what successful people do, you will inevitably achieve similar results.
4. Stay the course. Persistence and patience pay off. We all know the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” but winners modify that. They say, “If at first you don’t succeed, try again, try a new way, but above all, try UNTIL!”
5. Hard, hard work. Every time I recommend hard work, I get emails from people who want to “work smarter, not harder,” and who remind me that when we do what we love, “we’ll never work another day in our lives.” But Edison slept in his laboratory!
I do believe the “good life” is about balance. Rest and play, family and friends are important, and holidays renew our spirits. One of the best things I do is to read a couple hours every day. But in the end, getting stuff DONE is essential! Work allows us to make a difference, to achieve success, and leave a legacy.
Whatever it takes, get more of the right stuff done! Every day.
Article by Philip Humbert Phd –